We Use the Educational Needs of Your Child is Our Compass
Our Approach
Our Approach
Popp Education and Advocacy Services believes that learning differences should never stand in the way of your child getting the education that he or she deserves. We work to ensure that your school district is meeting your child’s unique educational needs by providing your child
- The appropriate placement in the least restrictive environment
- The manner and mode of instruction that will allow your child to benefit from his or her education
- Any and all related services that will support your child’s learning process
As your advocate, we use the educational needs of your child as a compass to guide us through the ARD or 504 process. Using a collaborative approach we work to create an on-going partnership between you, the parent or guardian, and the members of the school faculty, making sure that we are all working for one purpose, helping your child meet his or her goals.
Our Story
Anna Popp
Anna Popp believes that learning challenges should not hold a child back from getting the most out of the education he or she deserves.
This approach, developed over more than 25 years of Anna’s career both inside and outside the classroom. In the classroom, Anna has taught children and adults of all ages, including early education, middle school, and adults. As a school administrator for almost a decade, Anna saw the immeasurable benefits of an individual education program (IEP) that capitalizes on the child’s strengths and teaches the child ways to manage their learning challenges.
Throughout her career, Anna, has had the opportunity to develop a wide variety of curricula for classes and workshops. While working as the director of a global human rights organization, Anna developed and taught advocacy workshops.
As the mother of two children who each have learning challenges, Anna employed her approach to see both her children successfully navigate the waters of elementary school, high school, college and beyond.